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Video Production by Dedrendr 
for businesses in Lancashire and beyond

 Showcase your brand with a high quality video for your website and social media

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Please enjoy our short video Show Reel

Business and Corporate Videos

Event Videos

Drone Videos

Instructional Videos

Simple Interview Videos

Product Videos

Montage Videos

In today's dynamic business landscape, capturing the attention of potential customers is more crucial than ever. Video has emerged as a game-changer, offering a powerful and captivating medium to showcase your brand, products, and services.
We believe that every business has a story to tell.
And more and more people, than not, want to learn about a brand, product or service by watching a video
as opposed to just reading about it.

One video has the power to allow potential customers see what a business is about at a glance.

Our mission is to help businesses, through our videos, tell their story,
show what services or products they offer, what sets them apart from their competitors.
and why clients should use them.

We should point out that in addition to rectangular (16:9) videos like the ones above, we also render them in a square format for our clients for their social media, so that they take up more space on the screen of a mobile phone making them easier to see and less likely to be scrolled past!

And as mobile devices are used for approximately half of internet browsing, we believe that a good, strong online presence for a business has never been more important. As such, we think that a good, corporate video on a website or social media strengthens this presence in that it shows current and potential clients a business or brand at a glance.

Videos are powerful too in that they can be shared in groups and posted in forums around the world reaching many people which creates awareness and generates additional publicity for a business up to a global level. Videos don't require navigating or scrolling so are ideal for mobile devices with smaller screens through which most people browse the internet.

And let's not forget either that search engines love video meaning that a website with video on it will potentially rank higher on a search engine. Why? Consumers are demanding more and more video so the search engines are responding accordingly. A video on a website, for example, means that it is three times more likely to attract inbound links than without, which in turn gives a signal to Google, for example, that the website deserves to rank higher!

And as more companies are making the move to sell their products and services online, we believe that video marketing can help and will only increase with time.
Read more about us on the About Us page and about how the video making process works.
Video helps to generate awareness of a service, product or brand.
Video helps to keep people on a website longer which also helps with search engine rankings.
Video can also add a touch of professionalism to a business. Given Apple uses video, why shouldn't you?
Did you know.....?

Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when just reading it according to Insivia.

72% of customers said they would rather learn about a product or service by watching a video and 84% of people have said that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.

And the trend shows no signs of stopping with advertisers spending a billions of pounds a year on video adverts around the globe.
Contact Us
For a no obligation quote or a call back,
please leave your contact details or let us know about the video you require.

Although we are based in Lancashire, North-West England, we will consider enquiries
from all parts of the country. The more exotic the better, please! Thank you.
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